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Please click on a category below to browse our most frequently asked member questions:

What are the major interactive awards competitions?
Click here for a list of awards competitions.
What are the major advertising awards competitions?
Click here for a list of awards competitions.
Are there any media resources companies that provide discounts to AAAA members?
Download the 2003 Media Resources Discounted for AAAA Members for a complete list of participating vendors.
What are the largest media companies, magazines and newspapers in the U.S.?
Visit to view the most recent rankings by media revenue.
What are the top media buying and planning companies?
Visit to view the most recent rankings by billings.
What are the current trends in media inflation rates?
Click here to download the latest predictions by Bob Coen of McCann-Erickson.
What happens if I don't enter a website for my FAQ?
Your faq will not appear in the list of faqs for that subject on your site. And if none of the faqs for a subject have the website selected, the subject will not appear at all.

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